A little bit of me

Hey! My name is Matteo and I’m an IT guy with a strong passion for photography.

I started my creative journey as a portrait photographer in 2012 and have enjoyed taking pictures of many people so far.

I talk about my photography, of course, and I also share the work of other artists so that people can discover new gems and take inspiration from people they didn’t know before.

What you will find in my newsletter is a collection of experiences. Be them my own or other artists’. There’s great value in shared experiences: they can be an inspiration, help you see things from a different perspective, guide you in doing something new, and show you the mistakes others have made so you can learn from them.

If you want to be part of this, just subscribe and walk with me.

Take care and talk soon!

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Photography and other amenities


I create portraits, one story at a time
Sono Tamara. Ho viaggiato molto per lavoro e per passione, e ho scoperto che in ogni posto si annidano delle bellezze che vanno raccontate.